
Top Tips 1 – 10 on Turkey

  1. Most businesses in Turkey are hierarchically structured and therefore it is important that you interface with senior people in the hierarchy as this is the quickest way to get to a decision.
  2. As most businesses in Turkey are hierarchical the decision-making process can be slow and it is important to be patient during this period.
  3. Relationship-building is the key to doing successful business in Turkey and a great deal of time and effort should be devoted to initial relationship-building opportunities.
  4. English language levels in Turkey are extremely patchy and it is a good idea to check in advance if a translator is needed to help you in meeting situations.
  5. Using emotion and extensive body language gestures are viewed as a sign of engagement and interest in Turkey so do not misinterpret these approaches when in negotiations.
  6. Titles such as doctor or professor are often used and their usage is seen as a sign of respect for the person you are dealing with.
  7. If English is used as the main language in the meeting it is important that you speak clearly and slowly and avoid using complex vocabulary or sentence structures.
  8. Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country and you should be respectful of Islamic sensitivities and traditions at all times.
  9. Business attire tends towards the formal especially in the initial meetings and it is probably safest to wear a suit and tie for a man and business suits for a woman but make sure your clothing is of suitable weight for the season.
  10. Turks are skilful negotiators and will not expect that the first price offered will be the price at the end of a series of negotiations. Therefore, it is critical to build in some level of price flexibility to your offer.


This country-specific business culture profile was written by Keith Warburton who is the founder of the cultural awareness training consultancy Global Business Culture

Global Business culture is a leading training provider in the fields of cross-cultural communication and global virtual team working.  We provide training to global corporations in live classroom-based formats, through webinars and also through our cultural awareness digital learning hub, Global Business Compass.

This World Business Culture profile is designed as an introduction to business culture in Turkey only and a more detailed understanding needs a more in-depth exploration which we can provide through our training and consultancy services.

Country Breakdown





Turkish lira


$ 857.7



